I went on vacation and gained a bunch of weight back while I was away. I should have held back but it was really hard. So now at least I am back on track. Here's what today looks like so far diet wise.
B-blueberries and yogurt - 61 cals
-tea with cream and splenda - 20 cals
L-Salad with no dressing - 50 cals
-Almonds - 127 cals
D-Frozen entree -400 cals
Total = 658 cals
I will eat more but that's all I know of right now ;) I'm sure I will add some more healthy snacks.
(1) Decreased chance of developing type 2 diabetes. It's believed that the cause of this decrease is because of the antioxidants in coffee.
(2) Lower risk of stroke.
(3) Lower risk of heart disease.
(4) Lower risk of Parkinson's disease, due to caffeine.
(5) Significantly lower risk of developing dementia or Alzheimer's disease.
(6) Decreased risk of cancer, particularly cancer of the liver.
Coffee & Weight Loss
I've long thought that drinking coffee every morning helps with weight loss as the caffeine boosts the metabolism while also acting as an appetite suppressant. Of course any weight loss positives associated with coffee drinking are lost if you aren't drinking real coffee (not decaf) but instead one of those 500 calorie sweet coffee drinks from Starbucks.
Drink real coffee!
Once you get a taste for it you won't want to have any part of that super sweet stuff anymore. To a real coffee drinker those sugary Frappuccino type drinks are like kool-aid to a wine lover.
This information I got from My All Natural Weight Loss.